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I have been taking myself to place where I normally prefer to be with company. I getting the awakening sensation that I am currently exploring a different facade of my singleness. And it feels good!!! I don’t exactly have a date on the calendar which I can point out to you, when I started feeling like; I don’t deserve to put my life on hold.

This isn’t about the single life of party or the lonely cat lady. But, mostly how I have chosen to become intimate with myself by knowing what triggers my anxiety, picking the retail therapy of my choice preferably Anthropology or Joe Fresh 😄, which Netflix movie does the trick when my girl pal is on a hot date, It the kind of intimacy that rhymes with taking a hot bath, lightening up my vanilla candles, enjoying my glass of wine or cheese platter by myself in the comfort of my home. Without feeling like am missing out on life… Without feeling like I need to will the-one into my life to share this moment right now!!! right this minute !!!

At least now I can go forward again knowing that the best part of my life isn’t over, perhaps I am living it right now as a single woman, maybe it’s yet to come. But, right now am content and being so intimate with myself is by far one of the truest emotion i’ve experienced.